59th Freedom Fund – Event Materials
folder_sharedClient Project for Coatesville Area Branch NAACPI’m thrilled to have created materials for the 59th Annual Freedom Fund Gala for the Coatesville Area Branch of the NAACP, which took place in October, 2022.
I started in May with a Save The Date, and later created the official flyer, postcard, ticket, booklet, sponsorship signup form, event landing page on their website, and banner announcing their mistress of ceremonies. I also helped them set up EventBrite to sell online tickets, helped with copy, and coordinated printing many of the materials.
They’re really an awesome group of people to work with, and I’m very proud to have been able to contribute to the event.
The Coatesville Area Branch of the NAACP organized in South Coatesville, Pennsylvania, in 1938. They’ve been working to “ensure the political, educational, social, and economic quality of rights to all persons, and to eliminate race-based discrimination” since (from their site).
Flyer and initial Save The Date

I created a postcard, to be left in local businesses and community areas and made available at meetings.

Digital Materials

Landing Page
I created an event landing page on the client’s website. All the QR codes on various media led here, collected to a single point. It had descriptions on how to purchase tickets, sponsor the event, or purchase ads in the booklet.
I added a site-wide banner linking to the page, for anyone visiting the client’s website, or for viewers who didn’t understand or couldn’t use the QR codes on the materials.
I re-used the postcard graphic as a banner on the the Landing Page, and wrote expanded copy describing the event and the benefits.

I created the souvenir ad booklet, in which they sell ad space every year, and promote the event’s sponsors!